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Year 5 Christian Value: Justice

'Do for others just what you would want them to do for you.’ Luke 6:31

Welcome to Year 5! 


Our class teacher is Mr Moore and our teaching assistant is Miss Chippendale. Mr Culshaw teaches us on Thursdays.

Here is some helpful information relating to the class routines:

  • homework is given out on a Thursday to be returned the following Thursday;
  • our Mental Maths test is usually Monday;
  • our spelling test is on a Thursday;
  • PE is on Monday and Tuesday - please ensure PE kits are in school;
  • our ukulele lesson is on a Friday with Mr Bennett.


Please feel free to get in touch if you wish to speak us, you are most welcome!


  • Children can achieve stickers and team points.
  • Children can achieve smiley faces for their work, for good effort in a lesson, outstanding behaviour, care and courtesy, helpfulness to others and for following the class rules. 
  • Children can also be nominated for the Friday worship stickers.  Children can be nominated by any member of staff or welfare assistants.  For outstanding effort or success children may be awarded the Superstar award and children can also be nominated for our Writer of the Week award. 


Equipment (Please ensure all items are clearly named)

  • School bag
  • PE kit in a suitable bag: White T-Shirt, Blue or Black Shorts and Plimsolls. PE will be on Thursday and Friday afternoons. No jewellery should be worn during PE. If children have pierced ears, earrings should be removed at home in order to participate in the PE lessons. Long hair should also be tied back for safety reasons. Please ensure that PE kits are in school and all items are named. If PE kits are not in school, unfortunately children will not be able to participate. Children are required to wear pumps for PE.
  • Winter uniform: White or Light Blue Shirt or Blouse and Tie*, Long or Short Grey Trousers / Grey Skirt or Pinafore, Royal Blue Pullover or Cardigan
  • Summer uniform: White or Grey Socks, Shoes or Sandals. Royal Blue/White Gingham Dress, Royal Blue or White Polo Shirt