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Collective Worship

Collective Worship

Clergy Led Worships

We welcome in Reverend Mo and Father Neil on a Tuesday to lead us in worship. Reverend Mo and Father Neil help inspire us through their worships and can range from a Christian Value focus, supporting us in Inter-Faith Week, a special day or exploration of the Bible.

Worships Led by Inspire: Emma and Martin

"Emma and Martin came in to tell us another amazing story with humour, of course! They told us a story of Jesus with actions and volunteers go up to the front and help with their wonderful worship." Emma - Year 5

Open the Book

'Open the Book' brings bible stories to life with Carolyn, Lizzie, Shirley and Alison.

Pencott Valley Worships

Friday Celebration Worship

During Celebration Worship, we spend time reflecting on the week. We celebrate everything we have achieved through God's strength. In each class, 3 stickers are chosen (one with a PSHE focus), a star writer and a certificate for someone who has demonstrated one of our school Christian Values. 

Worships lead by Visitors

Special Visitors are invited in to help us understand about different beliefs and values, British Values, local community projects or enriching events.

Worship Warriors Lead Worship

Pupil Led Worships

Class Worships

Each half term, one class has the opportunity to deliver a class worship to showcase their talents, skills and knowledge. It is a chance to explore Christian Values, special days or a performance of learning. They are of a high - standard so definitely not to be missed!



Y5 - Space

Y4 - Children in Need

Y3 - Valentine's Day

Y1 - Happiness




Y5 - Showcase of Learning

Y4 - Love of Learning

Y3 - Peace

Y1 - Thankfulness and Appreciation

Reception - Number Fun!


