Environmental Review Score: 1 out of 6 (Red) (May 21) ► 2 out of 6 (Red) (Oct 21)
In the Eco team, we recognise that we are not doing very well with our Transport score in our review of school's eco activities. We know that lots of people drive to school and park really close to the school gates. There is a lot of traffic outside first thing in the morning and at home time, and we would like more people to walk/cycle or "park and stride". We would like to cut the air pollution caused by travel to and from school and focus on healthier choices for our travel.
- Register for Walk to School project and encourage changes to how we travel to and from school
- Registered for the campaign, set up the online tracker and had a trial run (Oct 2021)
- Launched Walk to School (Nov 2021)
- New banner outside school (Dec 2021)
- Awarded first badges for children with at least 2 active trips every week in Nov and then Dec 2021
With funding from Lancashire County Council through the Department of Transport, our school has signed up to the Walk to School campaign with Living Streets. We have now launched the scheme! The aim is to encourage walking, cycling, scooting to school and reducing car journeys. You can even Park and Stride - park a little further away from school and then walk the rest of the way. Our goal is to reduce traffic and pollution, improve the safety of the residential streets near our school and make healthy life choices.
Earn points towards badges - at least 2 active trips each week in the month gets a new badges.
Start thinking about the little changes you can make to your journey to school that will make a huge difference to families, our school and local community.
PS Saving the Planet too!
Like many primary schools, St Laurence's is blessed by its location - in the heart of our wonderful local community. Unfortunately, this also means we are located in a residential area, where road access and parking can become difficult at peaks times of the school day. Thanks to Charlie (Y5) we have acquired new safety posters to highlight our message about cars and parking outside school. Charlie noticed the traffic problems and realised he could do something to help. Thanks to his fundraising efforts, we are making children safer outside of school and helping our neighbours too.