We support the children's mental health and well-being in lots of different ways such as teaching preventative habits that support mental health, resilience and self-esteem through PSHE, RE and other lessons. Mrs Wood is our Learning Mentor who supports a range of children across school to develop confidence, resilience and a growth mindset as well as self-help strategies and emotional literacy support through the ELSA programme. We have formed a partnership with Compass Bloom to support Early Help and offer EHAs (Early Help Assessments) to support children and their families.
Between September 2022 and September 2024, we were a My Happy Mind School. The children benefitted greatly from this programme and it supported their understanding of how their brain works and strategies to support wellbeing and mental health. We are now building on this education through our new partnership with Compass Bloom alongside other ways throughout our curriculum.
Mrs Marquis, Headteacher: 'MyHappyMind is really good to support children with their mental health and wellbeing. It helps them understand how they can become more resilient and how their brain works whilst providing them with different strategies such as Happy Breathing. I have seen Happy Breathing being used across school and also seen lots of children recognising and complimenting each other on the character strengths.'
Mr Moore, Y5 classteacher: 'MyHappyMind has made the children more aware of how their brains work and has given them strategies to be happy. We weave MyHappyMind into other lessons such as referring to neuroplasticity, the hippocampus or use strategies when children are upset. I like how it is based on real science!'
Mrs Blackburn, Y6 teacher: 'It's had a positive impact on children's understanding of their mental and emotional wellbeing. It has given them lots of advice and strategies to use to manage their emotions, worries and anxieties. Learning about different parts of the brain has proved successful in my class!'
Mrs Katie Eccles, Governor
It is a joy to see the staff and children embrace and practise the learnings from the My Happy Mind programme. The science, the language and the messages are instinctively and routinely applied, weaving throughout the daily rhythm of the school.
It is incredibly valuable to instil these learnings in the children to invest in their wellbeing and resilience, to boost the staff's mental health, and include the initiative within the school's strategic School Improvement Plan.
Mrs Diane Aldridge, Governor
As a long-standing governor (including SEND and Staff Well-being) at St. Laurence’s Primary School, along with the staff, I have welcomed the introduction of the My Happy Mind programme and its inclusion in the School Improvement Plan.
The benefits of the programme, delivered weekly at the same time throughout school, using the same language and building on the same principles, are already having a positive impact on children’s resilience and well-being. It has been particularly valuable for those children showing signs of anxiety in school and also in supporting staff well-being.