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Worship Warriors


Our WORSHIP WARRIORS meet regularly as a group. There are lots of things that we discuss and plan and we look at all aspects of the Christian nature of our school. We want to help make sure our Christian Values of Love, Hope, Forgiveness, Excellence ,Respect and Justice can be seen at work in our School.


Some of the things we do include:


  • Lead worship each half term
  • Say Prayers in worship
  • Evaluate worship
  • Asking the children BIG QUESTIONS
  • Evaluate reflection areas
  • Read prayers from class prayer boxes
  • Share prayers with the children at play times
  • Visit our neighbouring schools to celebrate our faith




Worship Warriors lead collective worship every half term based on one of our Christian Values.

Meet Our Worship Warriors

Inter-faith Week 2023 Journey through faith

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Worship Warrior Weaving

Monday 18 th October 2021 Awe and Wonder Day

Our Worship Warriors have worked with Val Slawson to weave willow into Christian symbols for our outdoor reflection areas. The children thoroughly enjoyed making these and they will help to provide a focus for all of our children during times of reflection and prayer.

Worship Warriors Elections for 2021-22!

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Our Worship on Love  

11 th October 2021

We recently recorded our new Worship about God's Love for us for the whole school to enjoy virtually . Watch this space for our video


Our worship on Justice

Worship Warriors deliver our message of hope


James and Libby help Mrs Wood decorate the Derian House tree at St Laurence's Christmas Tree Festival in church.
