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Meet Our Staff

Teaching Staff




 Mrs Emma Marquis  (DSL, Assessment, Health & Safety, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Educational Visits Co-ordinator, Staff and Pupil Welfare)

Deputy Headteacher

 Mrs Kathryn Hall  (Deputy Head, DSL, RE and Christian Values Lead, PPG Lead, Worship Warriors)
 Reception Mrs Nicola Lyons (EYFS,  History and British Values Lead)
 Year One Mrs Laura Smith (PE Lead and SSP Link, Modern Foreign Languages Lead, Sports Council, AGT)
 Year Two Mrs Kathryn Hall (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Kathryn Spence  (SENDCo, Design Technology and Eco team Lead)
 Year Three 

Mr Matthew Knowles (Senior Leadership Team, English Lead, Art Lead, Teaching and Learning,  Educational Visits Co-ordinator)

 Year Four 

Mrs Emma Lawman (Music and Science lead)

 Year Five Mr Steven Moore (Senior Leadership Team, KS2 Leader, Wider Curriculum, Maths and Geography Lead)
 Year Six 

Mrs Sue Blackburn (PHSE and Computing Lead, School Council)

 PPA Mrs Victoria Whitehead



Teaching Assistants

Mrs Leadbetter

Mrs Elaine Cook

Mrs Joanne Hesketh

Mrs Suzanne Tate

Miss Jennifer Alcroft

Mrs Pippa Williams

Mrs Fiona Cunningham

Miss Chippendale

Mrs Caroline Crofts

Mrs Anita Stanley

Mrs Lisa Wood

Mrs Victoria Whitehead

Learning Mentor

Mrs Lisa Wood

Office Staff

Mrs Jayne Nicholson

Mrs Patricia Ashcroft



Breakfast And Afterschool Club - "Happy Days"

Mrs Gill Beattie               

Miss Jen Alcroft 


Welfare Staff

Mrs Jess Deakin

Miss Becky Johnson

Mrs Sarah Szczotock




Kitchen Staff

Mrs Sturgess

Miss Wilson

Miss Young

Grounds and Buildings

       Mr Fran Fishwick         

       Site Supervisor

