Environmental Review Score: 5 out of 6 (Green) (May 21) ► 5 out of 6 (Green) (Oct 21)
Being good global citizens is really important to us in this school and we do lots of things to support local and overseas charities. Each year we take part in Macmillan Coffee Morning, Harvest Festival, MAF Advent Calendar and Children in Need, and we support other charities either individually or as a school or class (for example, Race for Life and Safety Banners). We also have links to a sister school in Kenya called Penncott Valley School and we learn about what life is like for the children who go to school there (see link here). We are always learning about other countries through Geography and other subjects too, and we frequently celebrate other religions and cultures particularly through our work in RE, especially in Inter-Faith Week. We regularly learn about world news through Picture News in Worship. We learn another language, French, in the Juniors.
- Learn more about Fairtrade and buy more Fairtrade products in school, working with the School Council. Take part in Fairtrade Fortnight in February 2022.
- Strengthen links with Penncott Valley School post-covid.
- Took part in the G7 Speakers' Conference held in Astley Hall in Sept 2021
- Inter-Faith week in Nov 2021, learning about other world religions
- Ordered items for the Fairtrade Tuck Shop to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight after the half term holiday.
To celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, we will be holding a Fairtrade Tuck Shop on Friday 25th Feb and Friday 4th March. Every class will also learn more about Fairtrade in lessons over the two weeks.
We will be selling healthy fruity items which have been made with Fairtrade ingredients. Fairtrade means that the farmers growing the crops have been paid a fair price for their produce. We are selling the items at cost.
Fairtrade Tuck Shop Price List
Fairtrade Banana 20p
Fairtrade Blackcurrant and Apple Juice (250ml) 40p
Fairtrade Apple and White Grape Juice (250ml) 50p
We are looking to obtain some more Fairtrade fruit when it becomes available in the shops.
Children can bring in money on Fairtrade Friday to buy items - please being in the correct amount if possible.
There are lots of Fairtrade items available in the shops, including tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar and lots of fruits. Why not try them at home - make your own Fairtrade cookies or smoothies!
Every week in Class Worship, we explore major stories in the news (Picture News) to deepen our understanding of world events.
Across the school in our RE lessons and worship, we learn about other faiths and their culture, traditions and practices. This term is Y5 have been to a Sikh Gurdwara, Y6 have learnt about the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj to Mecca and Y2 have been learning about Holy Books of different faiths.
Across the school, every class has taken part in Inter-Faith week, when we learnt about rituals, customs and beliefs of other major world religions. You can find out more about our visits to a mosque and synagogue, and the Sikh visitors who came into school here
All classes were involved in a massive cake sale across our school, as we all came together to eat cake for one of our longstanding charities, Macmillan. We raised a massive £200, which is our best ever fund-raiser for Macmillan EVER!
Our whole school has joined in the celebration of Harvest, exploring the topics of giving and sharing with others, growing, thanksgiving for our food and those that grow it, and praise to God. Each class has collected food items, which have been donated to our local food bank at Living Waters.
We have made a film of all the contributions made by each class as part of our Harvest Worship. Follow the link below to view this film on our "Living Our Vision" web-page.
We're excited to have been part of the G7 Speakers Conference held on Saturday at Astley Hall with our local MP and Speaker at the House of Commons, Lindsey Hoyle. We took part in a discussion with the international visitors from the G& countries, and took part in the G7 Speakers tree-planting ceremony. We're so proud of our representative from school and Chorley for hosting such a high profile event!
This summer (although you wouldn't guess with the weather) the whole school participated in a fund-raising "5k fun run" for Cancer Research, led by our own little super star, Frankie. All classes ran through the mud (and sometimes the rain) to raise money for this national charity, which does so much great work in our local community.
Across the whole school, we have learnt about the truly awesome and life-saving work carried out by the Halo Trust in parts of the world which are still affected by the legacy of war and violence.