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Year 4 Christian Value: Excellence

‘Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.’

Corinthians 10:3

Welcome to Year 4!


Our teacher is Mrs Lawman. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Williams and Mrs Cunningham. Mrs Hall teaches us on Friday afternoons.


These are the days when we need to have extra things in school:


Monday and Friday - PE Kit


Fridays: Reading record books and Spelling record books are expected to be in each day, and especially Fridays. Reading records are checked each Friday and every other Thursday. 10 new spellings are stuck into spelling record books each Friday to practise at home ready for the following week's test (the list of all the spellings for each half term are posted on Seesaw).



PE - PE will take place on Thursday and Friday afternoons.  


Homework and Spellings

Homework is set each Friday and consists of reading (school reader), TT Rock Stars, Reading Plus and spelling practise. For those unable to access online work from home, time is made available during morning tasks to complete this. It is vital the children attempt their homework, particularly their spellings and reading, as it will aid their learning throughout the year.

  • Daily Reading (15 minutes per day on 5 days of the week)
  • Spelling practise (25 minutes per week)
  • Daily ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ activity - at least 5 minutes daily 
  • Reading Plus - at least 5 minutes daily 



We place a great emphasis on reading at St Laurence’s Primary School and it is very important that the children read every night. Reading record books are to be signed by parents three times in a week to indicate the pages read. On Fridays, reading books will be checked, and their books along with the ir reading records must be in on this day.

Every opportunity to read is given to Year 4 whether by themselves, to an adult, to a peer, to younger children or in front of the class. In Year 4, children change their school reader by themselves at a suitable time. Their book band level is reviewed regularly. Children are encouraged to read the full range of books from each band. 



  • Children can achieve stickers and team points.
  • Children can earn shinies for our jar which result in a class reward.
  • Children can earn a Golden Ticket for super work.
  • Children can have their name written on the Board of Recognition
  • Children can achieve smiley faces for their work, for good effort in a lesson, outstanding behaviour, care and courtesy, helpfulness to others and for following the class rules. 
  • Children can also be nominated for the Friday worship stickers.  Children can be nominated by any member of staff or welfare assistants.  For outstanding effort or success children may be awarded the Superstar award and children can also be nominated for our Writer of the Week award. 


Equipment (Please ensure all items are clearly named)

  • School bag
  • PE kit in a suitable bag: White T-Shirt, Blue or Black Shorts and Plimsolls. PE will be on Thursday. No jewellery should be worn during PE. If children have pierced ears, earrings should be removed at home in order to participate in the PE lessons. Long hair should also be tied back for safety reasons. Please ensure that PE kits are in school and all items are named. If PE kits are not in school, unfortunately children will not be able to participate. Children are required to wear pumps for PE.
  • Winter uniform: White or Light Blue Shirt or Blouse and Tie*, Long or Short Grey Trousers / Grey Skirt or Pinafore, Royal Blue Pullover or Cardigan
  • Summer uniform: White or Grey Socks, Shoes or Sandals. Royal Blue/White Gingham Dress, Royal Blue or White Polo Shirt