What a fantastic time we had at Little Explorers on Tuesday 14th March with 23 preschool children, toddlers and babies. We were so excited to hear that the Easter Bunny would be visiting very soon. We heard the Easter story and we were so pleased to hear its happy ending... Jesus has Risen!
We enjoyed Godly play with puppets and toys from the story.
We designed and painted Easter Eggs.
We made Easter Bonnets.
We read stories of bunnies, chicks and animals on the farm at Spring.
We painted water colour crosses with the message 'He is alive'.
Later, we went on an Easter Egg hunt and inside the eggs we found were questions about the Easter story. We remembered so much so we were each given a chocolate Easter Egg. It was EGGcellent!
Finally we sand some songs. Our favourite was 'Sleeping Bunnies'.
See the flyer below for more information and dates of future sessions.
The Story of the First Christmas
Today we started by telling the story of the first Christmas using puppets to help us. After the story there were lots of exciting things to play with. We had to build a stable for Baby Jesus and tell the story on the Puppet Show. We played with new born babies and read Christmas stories.
We got crafty making a Nativity scene mobile to hang by the window as well as crowns (because Jesus is the new born King). Finally we played pass the parcel and as we unravelled each layer there was a chocolate Santa and a question about the Nativity story. The final gift inside was a Baby Jesus to remind us that Jesus was a gift sent from God!
Merry Christmas from Little Explorers!