All children have the right to an education that will enable them to reach their full potential. We believe that each child has individual and unique needs and acknowledge that some children require more support than others. A child has special educational needs if he/she requires additional or different provision from the provision made generally for children of their age in that school. In order to support these children, we recognise their needs and plan accordingly.
As a Church school, we aim to develop an ethos of care, empathy, and understanding. This is essential when dealing with children with Special Educational Needs. The Head Teacher, Staff, and Governors of our school are committed to the inclusion of children with Special Educational Needs. We aim to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum, but also to offer small group support, or individual help, where children have specific needs.
All children will be valued, and we aim for all children to experience success, confidence and achievement, and to reach their full potential. We involve parents, carers and the children in the planning and support at all stages of the pupil development.
Our SENDCO manages our Special Educational Needs system, guiding staff in the formulation of Individual Education Plans in partnership with children and parents to ensure that effective provision is made. We have a positive relationship with our external agencies and use them for additional guidance, assessment and support when necessary. We have an open door policy if you need to discuss anything further.
Our LOCAL OFFER can be found below.
Mrs. Kathryn Spence
Tel: 01257 262 940
A member of the school's governing body is appointed to have particular oversight of special educational needs provision within school. At St. Laurence's this person is our Foundation Governor, Mrs Diane Aldridge. She liaises closely with the school's SENDCO.
The Parent Support Partnership people have been renamed as SENDIASS. These are the people who can help you if you or a member of your family has a Special Educational Need or Disability. They can help you to understand the jargon used, work out the forms you have to fill in, or navigate the meetings you have to attend.
It's often helpful to have a third person to help you remember what you wanted to ask, or to give you confidence to ask the things you don't understand.
Another useful place to gain parent-centred information news and resources and informed opinion about SEN disability, children’s health and SEND policies is Special Needs Jungle
The complaints procedure for SEND mirrors the school’s other complaints procedures.
Thank-you to all the parents who attended our SEND coffee morning to share information about Dyslexia. If you were unable to attend and would like more information, please take a look at the information provided above or contact Mrs Hall, the SENDCO.
SEND Home Learning
We wanted to ensure all pupils are supported during this difficult time. Please find below some documents that can support your child with SEND at home.
Government Advice for Parents with SEND children during COVID 19:
Here are some websites that include a variety of resources -
Government Website with SEND Information
Speech, Language and Communication:
Try the free app Bitsboard.
Have a look at the resources on:
Colourful Semantics have a wealth of resources for free to support early language and sentence construction:
Fine and Gross Motor Skills:
Get involved with Joe Wicks' PE sessions or do some Cosmic Kids Yoga each day.
Dough Disco is great for fine motor skills -
BBC Dancemat helps typing skills:
Some resources can be found below to support working at home.
Many of the activities found on the Speech and Language, SEMH and Motor Skills pages may be useful too.
Free sensory planning with multi-sensory activities and messy play can be found here: is a great alternative to TT Rockstars. You do not need a login and it does not have the time pressure that some pupils find tricky.
Dyslexia and Processing: is a great alternative to TT Rockstars. You do not need a login and it does not have the time pressue that some pupils find tricky.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health:
You can find some ideas for wellbeing apps here:
Information about Mental Health in children:
The Family Information Directory Network is a really useful source of information, ideas and encouragement for families of children with Special Educational Needs. You can find the latest newsletter by clicking the link below.