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The assessment and recording of mathematics is part of the overall assessment of the whole child and should be seen alongside all the other areas of development.


  • Progress within the National curriculum is recorded by means of continuous monitoring and the use of a whole school tracking system.
  • Children will be involved in appropriate mathematics intervention programmes.
  • A variety of methods should be used to gather material for record keeping purposes this may include voice recordings and photographs.
  • A written report on each child’s achievement will be sent to parents in July of every academic year.
  • Progress reports will be given at parents evenings held in the Autumn and Spring terms.
  • Children will complete formal assessment testing in mathematics three times during the academic year.
  • Children in Year 2 currently undertake the optional KS1 maths SATs. 
  • Year 6 will undertake statutory assessment in mathematics.
  • Children in have personal mathematics targets based on individual needs.
  • Assessment for Learning will be used to allow continuous assessment of progress and understanding to be made by both teachers and children. 
  • Most effective feedback is given at the point of learning within the lesson through discussion and questioning rather than written comments. 
  • Teachers use also data from Learning by Questions (where appropriate), mental maths and multiplication quizzes to inform their judgments.    