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Chair of PTFA - Emma Ormshaw


Our school has a very active Parents, Teachers and Friends Association, who support us by doing fund-raising events and social activities for children, families, parents and the community.


Everyone is welcome to join, although generally a small group meet for planning at committee meetings and many others volunteer to help at the different events, all of which are well attended.


Regular Events include:

Film Night
Ladies Night
Curry and Quiz Night
Easter Egg Bingo

Children's Entertainer Evening
Summer Fair
200 Club

Other events in the past have included:
Plant Sale


The money raised provides valuable resources for school.  PTFA funds have helped in the purchase of:

School trips

Sound System for the Hall
Art/craft materials
Library books
Sports' Kit
Leavers' celebrations
ICT resources
Playground markings
Wet-play resources

If you would like more information, or would like to be involved in some way, please make contact through the school office, or send a note into school with your child.

Click here for PTFA minutes and contact details